Thursday, December 10, 2009

Back, yet annoyed as ever.

As always, the opinions in this column are shared by me. And maybe 17 other people on the planet. Because let's be honest, do we really want a lot of people who think like me? Even I know this isn't a good thing.

(What, too soon?)

So, in trying to find things that stuck out to me the most this year, I realized that there really wasn't much of a theme that I can hang my hat on. I worked a lot, went on a few trips, and probably watched 24,856 football games since September (my proudest moment yet). But if there was a feeling that really defined my year, without a doubt, it's a feeling of being A-N-N-O-Y-E-D. By seemingly everything. I tried to think back to a day where I wasn't annoyed at all....and that resulted in me becoming more annoyed. I just don't remember a time where there were so many things that made me crazy.

As I thought about this some more, I realize that these are probably things that make other people annoyed as well. It's not as if I sit around with an annoyed look on my face all day. It's usually all of a sudden. So, I figured this was something to have a little fun with. This list is not in any particular order. Since it really takes "quite a bit" (that's really a flat-out LIE) to actually annoy me, I'm usually full of rage no matter which item on this list actually happens.

Annoying Jordy in 2009

1. Unfortunate pictures on the Internet
I've dated a photography major, one of my good friends is a photographer, and everyone else around just likes to take a lot of pictures. Throughout this time, I've been able to master the art of taking a good picture. Even if I'm just full of myself right now, I will not deny the fact that I certainly know what a BAD picture looks like. It's really not hard to find one. Just log into your Facebook account. I'm sure someone has 391 pictures of their baby making the same catatonic face. Or the completely unflattering photos of someone who isn't smiling, (instead they're eating, in the middle of a conversation, or doing something that no one actually viewing these photos would really know the context of since they weren't there) or in a bikini when they were better off wearing a trench coat (or staying at home).

But my personal favorite (let's just say that I'm using the word favorite...quite loosely) is the bathroom photo. Even better is the picture in front of your mirror...with your cell phone in the picture (I kid you not--if I had Bill Gates/Arab/Steve Jobs/our national debt/make it rain money---I would make sure everyone I knew on Facebook had a respectable digital camera. Please disregard should I win the lottery). I'm sure the reason someone takes pictures in the bathroom is to make sure they get a good picture, and not so everyone can know the color of the tiles. But here's a thought: If the picture does not come out OK, (no matter the location) YOU CAN TAKE IT AGAIN!! WHO KNEW??!!??!!??!!??

This may shock some people (namely, my roommate and my girlfriend...not to mention...anyone who reads this blog---all 4.6 of you). But even I cannot handle the monster this thing has become. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about sports, and my main purpose of watching ESPN is to perhaps catch up on something that I missed (most of my "study material" comes from the Internet now). so you would think that I would love every minute of it. Um, no.

For one, I hate the term "sources." BUT THEY LOVE IT AT ESPN. All you need is a "source." Well, when I was in school, YOU ALWAYS HAD TO NAME YOUR SOURCES. How come ESPN gets away with not telling. Sources close to the situation say that Steve Spurrier is considering forcing Stephen Garcia to grow a fu manchu...What sources?? Did you talk to Mrs. Suprrier? Close to the situation??!!?? Are you buddies with the fly on the wall?

Also, Erik Kuselias stated on his radio show today that ESPN was trying to "help" Tiger Woods. Wait a minute, did you hire Dr. Phil? Are you not just a sports network here to...wait for the story?? Can we not just talk about people who are playing games? Do I need to have Herm Edwards go ballistic over the people Tiger Woods was hanging with? I mean...what are you here for again?

I could also do without the Bottom Line. Just show the scores. Don't scroll an entire story about Bobby Bowden's career. I know I can go on your website for that. Thanks a bunch, I appreciate your time.

3. The Simply Rude Awakening of TMI
I feel relatively comfortable talking about virtually anything. The only subjects I shy from are the ones I don't know a lot about. But there are some things that I'm not going to share. That's OK though, because there are plenty of people willing to share so I won't have to!

People are seemingly willing to share anything. There's a picture I saw on Facebook of a mother showing her child's first #2 in the toilet. Yes, this really happened! From talking about filing for bankruptcy, to nasty sex positions, to sharing unfortunate medical situations...I feel like I've been a part of people's lives more than I should ever be. And I. Never. Actually. Wanted. To. Know. About. Any. Of. This.

4. The Death of the English Language
Even I used the wrong words from time to (all the) time. And I may misspell a word every now and then (too much). But hey, there's always a spell checker somewhere. Try telling that to other people. From not knowing the correct there/their/they're to use, to using words that are completely unnecessary, (I had a customer send in an e-mail wanting to "strategically" set up her Friends & Family list. Are you sure you weren't referring to the military strategy for Afghanistan) people seem to get dumber by the hour. And I'm sure this makes every English teacher out there want to sob uncontrollably. Bill Maher said that he wouldn't "put anything past this stupid country" to possibly select Sarah Palin as president. Oh Bill, just take a scroll of the social networks. We're pretty dumb indeed.

So yes, I only made it to four. And yet, I feel like this isn't quite enough. Guess how that makes me feel.

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