Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm the last naked warrior!!!

Say what you want about T.O., but clearly (and I mean clearly) he is NOT Charles Haley.

(Someone who loves me made this happen) I got Boys Will Be Boys: The Glory Days and Party Nights of the Dallas Cowboys Dynasty by Jeff Pearlman over the weekend. When the Cowboys were running roughshod through the NFL in the nineties, I was basically a casual sports fan. I had some sort of idea of what was going on, but not enough to really know more than the major players on the popular teams. Suffice to say, even if I was an avid follower of anything at that point, I had no idea the Cowboys got down like THAT. It's such an engaging and hard to put down book. I reccomend it for anyone who pretends to know football. Then you will know what my title is about.

In Other News...
-So Chris Brown says he's sorry and is seeking counseling for his assault incident 2 weeks ago. So are we supposed to just think it's all OK now that he's 'getting help?' I can't imagine that this was the first time he's had an 'explosion' with Rhianna. In abusive relationships, Most bouts of abuse were escalated incidents where he more than likely did other things before. So many celebrities either go to rehab or get counseling when their bad behavior is made public. I think it's all bullshit. I feel like they're only trying to make amends because they 'got caught.' Then again, that pretty much makes them like all of us.

-I have become ridiculously addicted to Guitar Hero. More on that later. As in, in an entirely separate entry. Yes, it's that deep.

-So Michael Phelps is not going to be charged with anything for the infamous photo that surfaced a couple of weeks ago. What kills me about this story is that allegedly, the renters of the house where the party took place said that they weren't at the party. Really. You live at the house where MICHAEL PHELPS IS COMING OVER TO PARTY, and you're not there. Really. Or, whatever.

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