Friday, June 18, 2010

GGGOOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL!!!! World Cup Blog (EN VIVO!)---1st half

As always, these opinions are only those of the author. I'm not sure why I even find this disclaimer important

We are back! I want to say that I can make this a Friday thing during the World Cup, but I'm not one to make promises that I can't keep. It's USA vs. Slovenia, a precious three points at stake. Let's get it on!


9:55 am: Is it too ambitious to want to learn the words to every participating country's national anthem?

9:57 am: I'm sure someone from the Tea Party is on Fox News saying that the US soccer players who did not sing along to the Star Spangled Banner are not TRUE patriots. Bah humbug!

9:58 am: Do you realize that there actually could have been a Confederate nation in the World Cup? Giving another nation a crest of stars and bars?!!?

9:59 am: For those of you "following" at home, the USA is in blue, Slovenia in white. Also, the ESPN announcers will likely lick our balls all morning. Fair enough!

10:01 am: Clint Dempsey channeling his inner Dwight Howard with the "unintentional" elbow. I'm no soccer expert, but that. Was. Dirty.

10:04 am: While most people may want to mute the TV to not hear the vuvuzelas, I tend to turn my TV all the way up in order to "hear them better."

10:05 am: "What the United States would give for an early goal here..." Hmmm, maybe free iPhones to the other team?

10:07 am: I beg to differ, ESPN. Now that it's legal, the U.S. actually would love to "come from behind." Wait, wrong reference?

10:12 am: Relevant random tweet: The Charlie Brown-inspired #SVN shirts have been noted. Wonder, when their coach yells at them, if it sounds like "Wah wah wah wah wah"? (from @thefarmerjones)

10:13 am: Great goalie work by Tim Ho---wait. Le sigh. GOOOOOOOAALLLLL Slovenia! Up 1-0. Now everyone here hates soccer again.

10:14 am: My sources just informed me that Mark Cuban is trying to do a goalie swap between the US and Slovenia. I'm thinking that he can't quite do that.

10:15 am: ESPN commentators already looking ahead, saying that the US team may need to hope for a draw between England and Algeria! Whoa there, tiger! We're the knee jerk people here!

10:19 am: In terms of geography, you could fit 485 Slovenias into one United States. The Arizona police would have a field day!

10:21 am: Alright! Tim Howard is actually in goal. Nice of you to show up, man.

10:23 am: By the way, congratulations to the Los Angeles Lakers winning the NBA championship! No matter what they say though, the Lakers are not actually world champions.

10:24 am: The win by the Lakers totally makes up for the Galaxy not winning the MLS Cup.

10:26 am: I've just been informed that no one actually watches the MLS. Oh well, now I know.

10:27 am: A quiet stroll through Twitter shows that people are already looking to the 2014 Cup. We're a forward thinking country, folks.

10:30 am: I'm not trying to be a turncoat, but I think I'd look pretty good in this!

10:31 am: An unofficial rule: Cold coach=team that loses. Slovenia's coach is in a light jacket. Bob Bradley (U.S. coach) has a full fledged snow coat on. Uh oh. Somebody get Bradley a lighter jacket ASAP!

10:34 am: Actual commentary from the roommate: "At least the commentator knows what the fuck to do!" and "We just look slower!" Sometimes, it's that simple.

10:36 am: Two great chances just missed by the U.S. At least they're still trying?

10:38 am: Just took turns butchering Radosavljevic with my roommate. And the ESPN announcers.

10:41 am: GOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLL SLOVENIA! Whatever. I'm buying a jersey now. I'm also taking the Slovenian goal dance to the clubs of Columbia.

10:45 am: Rush Limbaugh is blaming this on Barack Obama. And you know what? SO AM I.

10:47 am: And yet, the vuvuzelas play on. I knew they'd never let me down!

10:48 am: Halftime in Johannesburg. Should I even blog EN VIVO for the second half?

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